Attracting wild birds to your yard

Attracting wild birds to your yard

Attracting wild birds into your back yard can be very REWARDING. Over 100 North American bird species supplement their natural diets with birdseed, suet, fruit and nectar obtained from feeders.


Winter Feeding is especially important to birds. They look for reliable food sources as natural diets are scarce, or covered by snow. Getting birds into your feeders during summer will help bring them back during the winter. You want to be that bird hotspot, a known refuge of resources when times are tough. 



Placing a variety of feeders around your yard with different foods will help bring in a diverse group of birds. There are different feeders for different birds so make sure to provide multiple types of feeders. platform feeder, hanging feeder, suet feeders.


as well as Giving wild birds nest boxes to lay eggs and raise their young. 



Bird feeding is a year-round hobby. Each of the seasons poses new challenges for birds. By providing a continuous food source in each of these seasons, you will be more likely to attract a larger variety of birds.


Make sure to provide fresh seed in clean feeders. Moldy seed and/or dirty feeders can cause health problem for birds.


Offer multiple types of feeders in our tard to attract a greater diversity of birds. Many species of birds have a bid feeder preference. By offering the appropriate feeder you will be more likely to attract the type of bird you are looking for.


Too many birds at a single feeder can create stress. Try adding additional feeders to accommodate all the birds who wish to feed.


Position feeders in an area where you will enjoy view the birds however, do not place them in the wide open. Areas that are close to cover such as shrubbery or trees assure that your birds remain safe from predators.




Having a birdbath, or other water features will bring birds to your yard that may of otherwise passed by. Choose a birdbath with a rough surface for traction. 


The sound of moving water is extremely appealing, so add a dripper or mister to your bath. Buy remember birds have a fear of deep water, therefor, vary the depths of water from very shallow to 3’’ at the most.


Birds need water in wintertime more than ever, make sure to provide clean, thawed water in the coldest of temperatures. 


Water is as vital to birds as food. It is particularly important for seed and insect eating birds due to the dry nature of their diet. Birds will come to a birdbath year-round, both to drink and to bathe. Bathing helps maintain plumage for top-flight condition, as well as for proper body insulation in extreme hot or cold.


Choose a safe location for your birdbath. Ideally a birdbath should be free of shrubs for 25’ but will have low, overhead branches for escape cover. Suspending birdbaths will eliminate places for predators to hide.




Bird feeding is a year-round hobby. Each of the seasons poses new challenges for birds. By providing a continuous food source in each of these seasons, you will be more likely to attract a larger variety of birds.


Wild birds consume nearly ½ of their body weight in food per day.


Suet offers the most concentrated source of energy you can provide wild birds during the cold winter months. This helps them regulate their body temperature and keep a well-balanced diet year-round.


Suet attracts a large variety of birds like: European starlings, downy woodpeckers, eastern bluebirds, brown thrashers, black-capped chickadees, northern cardinals, blue jays, and hairy woodpeckers.


Remember birds will eat suet year-round so get yours today.  





Popular Oriole foods: insects, mealworms and wasp, jelly-especially grape, nectar fruits, oranges, berries, and apples, suit mixed with -fruit, berries, or peanut butter.


Keep nectar fruit and jelly feeders fresh by replacing the contents every few days, and washing the feeder thoroughly.


Make sure water is available. All birds need water for cleaning and bathing. Orioles are especially attracted to shallow bird baths and moving water.


To keep orioles coming all summer long, offer mealworms in late May, June, and July when they are raising their young.


Encourage orioles to nest in your yard by having nesting materials available.




 Place feeders in a sheltered area near flowers that are attractive to humming birds, such as red tubular flowers.


Also reduce nectar spoilage by placing feeders in a shady area.


Make sure to fill feeders with fresh nectar solution. Store any extra nectar in your refrigerator to maintain freshness.


Hummingbirds are very entertaining bit you can be competitive around feeders. To reduce competition you can put uo several feeders widely spaced and preferably of view of one another.


To eliminate the growth of harmful molds and bacteria. Make it a habit to clean your feeder every 3 days. Discard the old nectar solution, then rinse the feeder with hot water and vinegar. Use a bottle brush for hard to reach areas. Do not use soap or detergent, as its residue may cause your feeder to drip.


Use bee-resistant ports and deter pesky ants with ant moats.


Hanging several feeders in your yard help prevent an aggressive bord from monopolizing a single feeder.


Hanging of red or orange ribbons in your tard can attract hummingbirds, as they can see these colors well.