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  1. Why to Turn Your Home Around with a Terrarium

    Moving into a new space or redecorating your home feels like a do-over. You can revamp it however you like and start incorporating more greenery into your life. 


    Plants can help your mental well-being. Having a creative and cultivating outlet for your energy is beneficial for your health, and can brighten up your environment. Who can turn away from that?


    What are Terrariums? 

    Terrarium in Latin means terra (earth) arium (a receptacle or location). Closed terrariums create a humid environment for the plant and it waters itself through perspiration and condensation. 


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  2. 7 Houseplants for Dark Rooms

    Nothing makes a room more inviting than adding a houseplant to your home or office. A houseplant is an easy way to brighten up any space. However if the space lacks windows, many people think they can’t enjoy the beauty of a plant. 


    But good news, this is not the case. You can give every room in your home that needs that extra burst of green. In fact, rooms that lack light often benefit the most from a living plant. 


    Not sure which plants grow best in dark rooms? Here are 7 of our favorites that thrive in low-light conditions.



    Ferns, such as rabbit’s foot, staghorn, and asparagus ferns are potted plants that thrive indoors. Ferns respond best to indirect light, high humidity, and moist soil. Keep your fern within 400 to 800 fee

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  3. Top 10 Low Maintenance Houseplants

    Indoor gardening is a great way to bring the beauty of plants into your home. Not only do houseplants add appeal to your interior space, but they also purify the air you breathe. 


    However, choosing houseplants can feel daunting if you’re new to growing indoors. If you’re hesitant to bite off more than you can water, don’t worry. We chose our top 10 low-maintenance houseplants to help make the decision easy.


    How to Create a Curated Houseplant Collection

    If you’re looking to start a collection of indoor botanical beauties, keep in mind that many of the same rules for outdoor gardening apply to houseplants. Aim for contrast in color, size, and texture.


    Many indoor gardeners choose a theme, color scheme,

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  4. ZZ plant basic care and tips for beginners. 

    Have you ever wondered how to care for a ZZ plant?

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  5. Monstera (Monstera deliciosa )  

    Monstera (Monstera deliciosa )


    Monstera (Monstera deliciosa )

     As the name notes, it's monstrous, both leaves and overall growth. When the Monstera is given plenty of bright light and room to grow, a single 16-inch pot with a few vines will fill up a large space, possibly 3 x 5 feet, with beautiful foliage. The compaction of Monstera depends on the amount of light the plant receives, the more available light, the more compact monsteras overall growth will be.  


    Don’t b

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  6. 13 essential nutrients that plants need to thrive



    The 13 essential elements for plants from A to Z. 



    Starting with the big three: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. 


    There are few elements that we hear about more than N-P-K, it is on every bag of fertilizer and some soil mixes. Those are considered the big three of all the elements which are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Knowing how each of these major nutrients, and how they affect the growth, ripening, and other processes of plants are crucial to success.


    Followed after N-P-K are the secondary nutrients, Calcium, Magnesium, and Sulfur. When growing tomatoes, observing the calcium levels, and adjusting properly prevents diseases that can wreak havoc without. Out of these nutrients, calcium does a lot to aid in the building of cell walls, magnesium holds importance

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  7. mastering potting mixes, the basic components.

    To become a great house plant parent is to master the art of the soil. It's really not even soil, but a soilless medium made up of different components and often made to tailor to each individual plant's need.


    There are components meant to provide water retention such as coconut coir, sphagnum moss, peat moss, and slightly vermiculite. The latter of the three starts to cross over into components that provide drainage.


    Drainage is super vital, providing oxygen down to the roots through the flow of water during watering. But even having good drainage will not support the best of house plants. We need to also have fluff in our soil, and this is where we use perlite.


    Almost all nurseries use perlite, and it is in most potting mixes on the market we see today. It keeps soil mixes light, fluffy, and airy to allow the flow of water and the exchange of gases to root systems. Perlite is manufactured by the heating volcanic glass

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  8. Fiddle leaf fig tips for houseplant lovers.

    Fiddle leaf figs are known as being one of the most beautiful house plants and one that can make a statement in any room. Fiddle leaf figs are also known to be one of the most temperamental plants, but when given the right conditions and consistency they will grow for years to come.

    If you're new to owning a Fiddle leaf fig, hopefully together we can get them to thrive! But first, find them a good location and stick with a constant routine for a while.

    If your fiddle leaf fig is en route to your home, time to make sure you have chosen the proper location, so follow these tips.

    Choose a location that gets lots, and lots of bright light, avoiding the intense afternoon sun if you can, don't be afraid to also Give your fiddle leaf fig a small rotation when you water to help evenly distribute the light. Doing this will help your tree grow evenly.


    If you don’t have access to enough light or your tree is too big to r

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