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  1. Top 10 Low Maintenance Houseplants

    Indoor gardening is a great way to bring the beauty of plants into your home. Not only do houseplants add appeal to your interior space, but they also purify the air you breathe. 


    However, choosing houseplants can feel daunting if you’re new to growing indoors. If you’re hesitant to bite off more than you can water, don’t worry. We chose our top 10 low-maintenance houseplants to help make the decision easy.


    How to Create a Curated Houseplant Collection

    If you’re looking to start a collection of indoor botanical beauties, keep in mind that many of the same rules for outdoor gardening apply to houseplants. Aim for contrast in color, size, and texture.


    Many indoor gardeners choose a theme, color scheme,

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  2. Which Trees Are Great For Shade In The Summer

    Summer is here, and so are those luxurious summer afternoons. Put your lawn chair or hang your hammock in the shade, with a soft summer breeze--it doesn’t get much better than that. Unless you don’t have any shade trees to relax under. 


    If you’re looking for a tree that will flood your yard with shade, look no further. We have what you need to decide which shade tree is best for your needs.


    Why Invest in a Shade Tree?

    Besides giving you a place to take a nap, shade trees do more wonderful things than you can imagine. They will:


    • Filter the air
    • Store carbon 
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  3. How to Improve Drainage In Your Lawn

    There are few things that will put a damper on your summer, like a waterlogged lawn. When your garden beds are soggy and you wind up ankles-deep in mud, it can be difficult to enjoy the beauty of your yard. 


    Luckily, you can improve the drainage of your lawn on your own. If you want to dry out your mosquito larvae nursery and step into your grass with confidence, we have the information you need.


    Why You Don’t Want a Waterlogged Lawn

    When your yard turns into a lake, the excessive water can do serious damage. Sitting water fills in the open spaces in the ground where roots pull in oxygen. Without oxygen, your grass and garden plants begin to suffocate below the surface.


    Too much water also causes your plants to develop a shallower root s

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  4. Grow Kits & Why They're Tomorrow's Big Hit

    Grow kits have erupted in popularity over the past two years. Why? While not as easy as running to the store and swiping your credit card, grow kits are an easy and fun way to grow your own produce and make your own products. 


    They bring the fun of the brewery home, teaches kids with hands-on activities, and gains healthier eating habits. 


    Furthermore, kits add zest and excitement to your home life at a reasonable cost while controlling the process and ingredients of the things that you are eating. And while this may sound straightforward, there are some more in-depth advantages to using grow kits, including:


    Gaining Control Over The Quality Of Your Ingredients


    Ever check the ingredients on some of the products you buy

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  5. A Guide To Summer Plant Care

    When it comes to keeping your plants alive, happy, and healthy, summer can be the most daunting month. Why? It’s hot, often dry or oppressively humid, and pests are at an all-year high. 


    So, before you fret and decide that your garden is a lost cause and xeriscaping is the only option, use this guide to keep your plants green and avoid some of the most common summer gardening pitfalls. 


    Understanding the Difficulties of Summer Gardening


    Summer is often regarded as the brightest season of the year in the garden. Coneflowers, dahlias, crape myrtles, and so many other flowers are glowing. However, summer is also one of the most difficult times to keep plants hydrated. 


    This is the time of year when your plants can b

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  6. Before Your Toss It: How To Reuse Garden Waste

    Reusing the green from your garden will add some green to your wallet and lifestyle. When you skip putting your yard waste curbside, you skip the use of fossil fuel used to manage waste while brightening up your garden. 


    So, before you haul those branches to the curb, keep in mind that there is value hidden in that waste.


    Compost Is Gardening Gold

    As a gardener, composting becomes second nature. Compositing replenishes the nutrients in your soil as a natural way to feed your plants. 


    To create nutrient-rich compost, you don’t have to buy an expensive compost bin--there are many that you can DIY with inexpensive materials. 


    Just be sure you put your bin where it can w

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  7. Plants that Attract Small Mammals & Birds

    You don’t have to be a Disney Princess to frolic with wildlife. You can look out your back window and watch rabbits hopping across your yard or squirrels scurrying up trees. 


    Even stroll through your yard and follow a butterfly as it flits from blossom to blossom or a cardinal sitting in one of your shrubs. Before you invest in magical princess powder, we will go over what plants attract small mammals and feathered friends.


    Where to Begin When Creating a Wildlife Habitat


    Native = Naturally Attractive to Wildlife

    Generally, you want to look for native species. That is what wildlife has enjoyed in the past, and what they will be looking for in the future. And natives will often grow the best with less work on your part.


    Create a

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  8. Fertilizing: A How-To Guide for the Brand New Gardener

    If you are new to growing plants and gardening, the subject of fertilizers can feel rather daunting. You may have glanced at different products and thought, “Chemicals… Eeeek!” 


    But using fertilizers to grow strong, healthy plants doesn’t need to be scary. With a little knowledge, you can confidently pick out the right fertilizer for your needs.


    Where Should You Begin?

    If you are just starting a garden for the first time, you might want to have your soil tested. Knowing the pH of the soil is helpful because the pH affects how well plants will grow and what plants will grow well in your dirt. 


    You will also want to know what nutrients your soil is missing so that you can add what is lacking!


    What Exactly

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  9. The 5 Best Shrubs for Nesting Birds

    It’s that time of year! The time when fledglings begin making their first flights and then come hopping through the garden in search of food. These adorable birds will become the next generation of feathered friends to spread seeds far and wide and help pollinate plants. 


    Your local birds are also the frontline when it comes to natural pest control. They gobble up mosquitos and Japanese beetles along with other nuisance insects. And let’s not forget how exciting it is to find a nest of eggs that will soon become featherless pink hatchlings. 


    If you’re looking to increase your army of fledglings, investing in habitat shrubs where they can nest is a surefire way to do so. What shrubs offer the best cover, support, food, and protection?



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  10. How To Maintain A Backyard That's Safe For Pets

    Pets and plants: so many gardeners love their four-legged friends and their botanical buddies, but at times, the two struggle to get along. 


    Between plants that are potentially dangerous to pets and sharp gardening tools, it can seem difficult to maintain a pet-friendly yard. However, with a bit of insight, pet-safe plants, and pet-smart garden design, your yard can be a paradise for you and your pets.


    Designing Your Garden Layout with Your Pets In Mind

    When establishing your gardens, you want to plan ahead and create a pet-smart layout. If you don’t plan ahead, you may find that your dog doesn’t have enough room to run and play or your cat has made it a habit to scale a tree up and over your fence. 


    To avoid these pitfalls and to pre

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