Why to Turn Your Home Around with a Terrarium

Why to Turn Your Home Around with a Terrarium

Moving into a new space or redecorating your home feels like a do-over. You can revamp it however you like and start incorporating more greenery into your life. 


Plants can help your mental well-being. Having a creative and cultivating outlet for your energy is beneficial for your health, and can brighten up your environment. Who can turn away from that?


What are Terrariums? 

Terrarium in Latin means terra (earth) arium (a receptacle or location). Closed terrariums create a humid environment for the plant and it waters itself through perspiration and condensation. 


You may need to do a little experimenting with your terrarium because they are reactive towards temperature, light exposure, and different species.



Why Do You Need One? 

  • They Have a Small Eco-Footprint

You can create a terrarium in any glass vessel and reuse your fancy terrarium over and over again, as your plant grows out of it. Instead of using disposable resources, you can opt for something more sustainable, and beautiful


Plus, they’re the perfect way to enjoy plants if you do not have a yard or a lot of indoor space to spare.


  • Create a Diverse Variety of Plants

If you buy a multitude of terrarium ecosystems, you can have a variety of plants, with less stress. It can be difficult to remember to water your plant every day, but having a variety of plants can diversify your setting.


  • They Allow You to Get Creative

Setting up your terrarium home is a special delight. You can use:

  • Potting soil
  • Red clay pebbles
  • Pea gravel
  • Activated charcoal
  • Moss
  • Sand
  • Figurines


Don your favorite pair of gloves and decorate your terrarium. So that you can enjoy a renewed connection with nature as you create your plants' new and specialized environment. 


  • Minimal Amount of Maintenance

Of course, if your plant looks dry, you’ll need to spritz the indoor walls of the terrarium with water. But for the most part, with the help of sun and condensation, your plants will be thriving, while you relax and enjoy its growth.


  • Green-up Your Home in Winter

When winter frost and snow begins to blanket your backyard, you may be searching for a much-needed burst of color. Snow and fall-foliage is beautiful, but there’s nothing like the growth of a new plant and watching it thrive.


When your plant begins to unfurl fresh green leaves, and you can closely monitor its growth in a terrarium, it’s an exciting experience. What type will you be looking for?



Types of Terrariums



Tricks to a Great Terrarium

  1. Create a base of pebbles to create adequate drainage
  2. Add charcoal to ensure the water is filtered and purified
  3. Add potting soil for cacti and succulents to further increase drainage
  4. Crate a small hole in the soil and remove plant from its former container
  5. Gently separate roots and place into terrarium
  6. Pat down soil and add any decorative features, like sand, moss, or figurines
  7. Place your terrarium in a patch of sunlight and enjoy your gorgeous glass display
  8. Change the terrarium soil once a year


Getting a terrarium is a no brainer. It’s perfect for those from all walks of life: plant finatics, those without a green thumb, and the people in between. Don’t deny yourself an eco-friendly eco-system that boosts mental health and improves your home.