Top 10 Low Maintenance Houseplants

Top 10 Low Maintenance Houseplants

Indoor gardening is a great way to bring the beauty of plants into your home. Not only do houseplants add appeal to your interior space, but they also purify the air you breathe. 


However, choosing houseplants can feel daunting if you’re new to growing indoors. If you’re hesitant to bite off more than you can water, don’t worry. We chose our top 10 low-maintenance houseplants to help make the decision easy.


How to Create a Curated Houseplant Collection

If you’re looking to start a collection of indoor botanical beauties, keep in mind that many of the same rules for outdoor gardening apply to houseplants. Aim for contrast in color, size, and texture.


Many indoor gardeners choose a theme, color scheme, or one color for their pots to add consistency to their collection. For example, all metallic pots or all white pots can truly make your plants pop.


How to Keep Your Houseplants Happy

There are a few major differences between keeping your indoor plants healthy compared to an outdoor garden. These include:


Pots Trap Water

In a typical garden, it’s much more difficult to overwater your plants. This is because soil allows excess water to drain away from the plant. Pots, on the other hand, hold that excess water in. 


This can cause root rot. This is why most houseplants succumb to over-watering rather than underwatering. Most houseplants need pots with drainage holes, and many prefer to dry out a bit before their next watering. 


Most Houseplants Cannot Handle the Cold

For the most part, houseplants became indoor gems because they cannot handle cold temperatures. So, be mindful of keeping your houseplants away from drafty windows in winter and away from the direct line of your vents the rest of the year.


Houseplants Often Struggle in Direct Sun

You will likely notice that many houseplants need bright indirect or low indirect light. This is because many indoor plants live in the understory of tropical locations. Because of their natural locale, they cannot handle direct sunlight.


Our Top Houseplant Picks

Each of these houseplants was selected for their ability to take a bit of neglect or thrive under less-than-ideal circumstances.


1. ZZ Plant

The ZZ Plant, AKA “Zamioculcas zamiifolia,” is beloved by most. Why? It’s elegant, easy to care for, and thrives in bright indirect light or less bright surroundings. With high-gloss, symmetrical leaves, the ZZ plant is both graphic in appearance and classic. 


Put your ZZ Plant in a corner, on a shelf, or anywhere in between, and water it when its soil fully dries. 


2. Snake Plant


The Snake Plant goes by many names, including “Mother-in-law’s tongue,” and it is by far one of the most common houseplants. 


Not only does the Snake Plant enjoy being ignored, but it also fills in rapidly and propagates easily. And to make this lovely plant even more appealing, it ranks as one of the best air purifiers in tests by NASA.


This upright beauty enjoys a wide array of light conditions and enjoys letting its roots dry a bit in between waterings.


3. Spider Plant

Need a peppy plant for a hanging basket or high shelf? The Spider Plant will happily call either of these locations “home.” Soon enough, you’ll find your happy Spider Plant has become a proud parent. 


That’s right. This plant is known for its cute little pups that develop and dangle off its long tendrils. 


This lovely plant grows in a fountain form and likes to be watered every other week or when its soil dries. 


4. Neanthe Bella Palm

The Parlor Palm, or Neanthe Bella Palm, is a classic houseplant that adds dramatic flair to your home without high levels of maintenance. These rainforest natives do enjoy humidity, but that’s easy enough to accomplish with a plate of pebbles kept damp. 


Or you can skip the pebble plate and let your Parlor Palm transform your bathroom into a tropical oasis. 


This is a top choice for homes with low light conditions.


5. Echeveria Elegans

Are you a sucker for succulents? The Echeveria Elegans is a great way to celebrate your admiration for quirky and cute indoor plants. 


This petite beauty loves the heat and will happily grow outdoors in full or partial sun when the weather is right. It will even blush if given enough sunshine. Just be sure to let your succulents’ roots dry out fully before watering.


6. Dracaena Compacta

Big doesn’t necessarily mean better when it comes to excellent indoor plants. And the Dracaena Compacta proves it. This small but expressive plant is perfect for almost anywhere in your home. 


And with its lush green coloration and easygoing nature, you’ll fall for this peppy plant as soon as it arrives at your home. 


7. Garden Croton

What makes the croton a great choice for new houseplant parents? It adds a burst of color to your home, and it won’t take up too much space since it’s a slow grower. 


To keep your garden croton content, provide it with a south-facing window and let it stay there. Crotons tend to drop their leaves if relocated too often.


8. Boston Fern

The Boston Fern is truly the king of the ferns. This lush and large houseplant turns a house into a southern estate. All you need is a few hanging baskets, some shade, and some water once it begins to dry out. 


9. Dieffenbachia

This bicolor beauty is large and in charge. The Dieffenbachia really makes a splash as a specimen in its own pot in a place where it will catch your eye. If you’re a gardener that likes to see results, this is the plant for you. It grows rapidly and adds warmth to your interior. 


10. Maidenhair Fern

Want some whimsy? The Maidenhair Fern will transport you to a fanciful land where fairies take flight. This striking plant enjoys low light and high humidity, making it ideal for a shelf in your bathroom or nearby your kitchen sink. Just be sure you keep its soil moist (not wet).


Houseplants = Green House Pals


You don’t have to be a botanist or plant whisperer to enjoy the beauty of houseplants. Whether you want to add some greenery to your office, living room, or patio, these houseplants will happily oblige. 


Happy planting!