7 Roses to Color Your Autumn World

7 Roses to Color Your Autumn World

7 Roses to Color Your Autumn World


Don’t be under the mistaken impression that only experienced gardeners can grow roses well. Many of the newer varieties require little work and are disease resistant. With just a little work, you can get your roses in the ground before winter sets in, then begin to enjoy an explosion of color next summer and fall. Here are 7 seven varieties that you might want to try.


Planting and Growing Roses


Roses really don’t require a lot of work, so spend a little time preparing your soil, and they will make a welcome addition to your landscape.




Roses like rich, well-drained soil that is full of organic matter and slightly acidic. Most varieties need at least 8 hours of sun. In hot climates, you might want to put them where they can get afternoon shade, and for zones where there can be damage from frosty winter nights, place them on the south side of your house so they will stay a little warmer. Wind can damage the canes too, so a site that is protected from the wind will help keep them growing strong.


Planting and Care


You can plant roses in the spring after the last frost or in the fall 5-6 weeks before the first frost. It is best to plant them on a cool, cloudy day, so it won’t be such a shock to the plants–40 to 60 degrees F is about ideal.


Dig a hole larger than the root ball and add a little compost or peat to the bottom of the hole. The hole should be deep enough so that the top of the root ball should be at or joust below ground level.


Mix compost or peat with the dirt you removed to help with organic matter and drainage. Place the root ball in the hole, then fill in around it. Give it a good watering, then mound up any leftover soil and add a little mulch, being careful to keep the mulch away from the canes, before watering it again. Water daily until roots are established.


Varieties to Think About for Fall


Lemon Drift Rose


Zones 4-11


Your Lemon Drift Rose will be covered with pale yellow blossoms with buttery centers and stamens. It is a small variety that is great for ground cover and borders and will grow to 2 feet and spread out about 3 feet. It will give you delicate yellow blossoms throughout the late spring through fall.


Westerland Rose


Zones 5-9


This fragrant climber is a must for your flower beds. It will grow up to 8 feet and spread out about 4 feet. A mix of clove and rose aroma will drift from the delicately colored blossoms. Train it up a column or pergola for a great focal point or let it go wild on a fence. You will enjoy the orange, pink and yellow blossoms during summer and fall.


Peachy Knock Out Rose


Zones 4-10


This is another fragrant choice for your flower beds. With plenty of brilliant peachy pink blossoms, it will give you plenty of color from late spring through the fall. They grow up to 4 feet and height and will spread about 4 feet in width as well. They are easy to care for and will grace your yard, adding color well into autumn, until cold weather puts it to sleep for the season.


Easy Elegance Coral Cove Rose


Zones 4-9


This prolific bloomer will give your yard plenty of orange to pink blossoms, starting in late spring and lasting until the colder weather of fall brings their beauty to a halt. This smaller variety grows to a height of 4 feet and will grow about 4 feet wide. While the bush might be small, the blossoms aren’t–some getting to be 3 or 4 inches wide. They are great as borders or placed under windows. You will love this disease-resistant rose!


Arctic Blue Rose


Zones 5-10


This smaller rose will be a colorful addition to your yard, adding blue, cream, and lavender to your fall color scheme. They grow 3-4 feet high and will be about the same width. They will add more than color–you will enjoy the sweet citrusy aroma that emanates from them. Enjoy the blooms in your yard, or cut them and take their beauty inside.


Miss Congeniality Rose


Zones 4-9


Once you see the fuschia pink blossoms, you will be glad you ordered a Miss Congeniality Rose. Use these to frame a doorway or as a stunning focal point in your yard. If you would like, plant them in pots and add fall color to your patio. They only grow a few feet tall and are easy to care for and resist most diseases. You will fall in love with this variety the minute the first blossom opens!


White Drift Rose


Zones 4-11


This summer and fall blooming variety might be small in stature but it isn’t short on blossoms or color. Add a little white to your fall color scheme, using these disease-resistant flowers as ground cover or borders. While they might look like divas, they are one of the easiest varieties to care for. Just plant them this fall, and they will burst to life in the spring, giving you plenty of summer and fall color.


Enjoy the Your Fall Color


Fall comes with some beautiful colors, from the autumn leaves to the remaining butterflies and birds. But with the addition of some of these roses, you will increase the fall color in your yard. Look through the selection and see what you can use to bring more color to your fall landscape in the future. Order a few of these and get them planted before the cooler weather of winter sets in, and next year, you will be enjoying a feast of fall color.